Chapter 2

Q.3 differentiate the following

i. Single-user vs. Multi-user Operating System.

Ans. In a single-user operating system, only one user can access the computer system at a time like downloading images or printing documents, while in multi-user operating system, multiple users can access the computer system at a time and provide resources and services to multiple users at a time. Example of a single-user operating system a typical home user computer. Example of multi-user operating system is a network which is laid down so that a computer can be remotely accessed and used.

ii. UNIX vs. Linux Operating System.

Ans. UNIX is an operating system developed in 1960. It is a command driven multi- user and multi-tasking system. LINUX is a GUI based operating system like windows developed in 1991. It is free open-source operating system. Linux source code is available generally whereas UNIX source code is proprietary.

iii.Batch processing vs. Time Sharing processing system.

Ans. A Batch is a sequence of jobs. It is a processing system which requires the operating system to work through a series of programs. Here task is scheduled according to the priority, different batches are combined and then executed together. It is difficult to debug. Time Sharing is also called multi-tasking which is logical execution of multi-programming. In time sharing processing system, the processing capabilities of a single and powerful computer are shared among multiple users and processes.

iv.File vs. Folder.

Ans. A file is a collection of related information. Every file has a name for its identity. It can be stored permanently on secondary storage media. A folder is named collection of related files that can be retrieved, moved, and manipulated as on entity. It can be used to store and manage files or sub-folders. For example, a folder on a hard disk can store important documents or files. The basic difference between files and folders is that files store data, while folders store files and other folders..

v.Copy vs. Cut Command.

Ans. Copy (Ctrl+C) command puts a copy of the selection on the Clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else; Cut (Ctrl+X) command removes the selection and puts it on the Clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else.

vi.CLI vs. GUI Operating System.

Ans. 1) Command Line Interface (CLI): It is an interface in which user type commands to make the computer to do something. User has to remember different commands to work with this type interface. CLI is quicker than GUI but difficult to operate. Example: DOS (disk operating system) and UNIX are the examples of command line interface. 2) Graphical User Interface (GUI): Graphical user interface has menus, buttons and icons. GUI is user friendly interface. User can work with this interface easily by selecting different options from menus. Commands are represented in graphical form. Example: Windows, Macintosh, and LINUX are the examples of GUI.